Pac Man

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Percy Jackson Chapter 18. Q5- Q10

Q5. Describe the entrance to the Underworld.

A.  looks like between airport. lots of cameras and gard mans. Percy can hear three head dog but he can't see.

Q6. If you were standing in that line, would you rather choose EZ Death and go straight to Asphodel, or risk being judged for your actions on earth?

A.  Judge. Because I tried be kind to everyone so I hope I can go to good heaven.

Q7. What is Percy’s plan to get past Cerberus? Why doesn’t it work?

A. Go to near the monsters and play fetch. It didn't work because the stick went right into the river

Q8. How does Annabeth save them? Why is she able to do this?

 A. Because she went to school about dog school. And she had a dog. So knew how to treet that three head dog.

 Q9. What does Percy realize about monsters at the end of the chapter?

A. Monsters need a attention.

Q10. Do you feel sorry for Cerberus? Would you have risked playing fetch with him, if you were Annabeth? 

A. Yes. But they have own house so I can leave them at Underworld. 

Monday 27 August 2012

Percy Jackson Chapter 17

Q1.How dose Annabeth pay for the trip to Los Angeles?

A. Cash card

Q2. Annabeth seems worried when they discuss the voice from the pit. Percy thinks she has idea what is might be. Do you have any guess?

A. Maybe... Annabeth's dad was there. She was acting wird because Zeus hate Percy.

Q3. Who is the spirit in the sea? What dose she give to percy?

A. The spirit of sea is Merid. She gave three white pars.

Q4. Why is Annabeth unseasy about the gifts Percy received?

A. No free lunch. So Percy have to pay something to sea spirit for somehow.

Q5. According to Percy, how is L.A. different for New York?

A. New York is very easy to move around. Very quieter then L.A.

Q6. Why dosen't riptide work on the kids who jumped Percy in the Alley?

A. Riptide dosen't woek for th mortals.

Q7. What dose Crusty do to hixs custmers?

A. Make custer fit to the bed. Because Crusty sturech the kids.

Q8. Why can'tPercy simply fight Crusty?

A. Make fiends let go.

Q9. How dose Percy trick the giant?

A. Because Percy was tryin' to fight with a monster.

Q10. How dose Percy find the address for the underworld?

A. under the sail's desk. 

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Olympic Doodle games

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Soccer 0 0 7 10 16 14 16 21 21 14

Hudles 14.6 14 14.2 14 12.1 11.8 12.8 13.9 11.5 11.8

Kayaking 20.6 30.4 26.5 28.4 28.7 45.6 32.6 32.6 26.1 19.8

Basketball 16 18 18 14 18 21 21 21 18 18

This was my score

Wednesday 15 August 2012

My week

Right now I was injured so I couldn't go to school, and I was bored. This week, lots of things happened in Japan. America dropped on to Hiroshima and WW2 finished in Japan. Yesterday half of people wasn't here because they went to Devon. Yesterday was so quate. I missed school and my week was awsome! watching movie with my mum.   

Saturday 11 August 2012

Percy Jackson Chapter 11

Q1.  Why is Annabeth upset with Percy for risking his life on the bus? 

A. they lost everything. Annabeth didn`t need any help.

Q2.  What does Aunty Em look like when she opens the door?

A. She was middle eastern woman. Because she wore a long black gown that covered everything but her hands,      and her head was completely veiled. And she looked old.

Q3. How does Percy explain why he went into the garden gnome emporium? Does this explanation make sense to you?

A. No I can`t. Because people were in all different poses and wearing different outfit with expressions on their face. Are they gonna eat too??

Q4.  Why does Grover start to get nervous at the emporium? (There are several reasons)

A. Or the way the states eyes seemed following them.

Q5. How can you tell that Percy isn’t thinking straight after he eats his meal?

A. Percy couldn`t see Mrs Em`s face, He was sleepy.

Q6. Did you guess Aunty Em’s true identity before Percy did? If so, what clues gave her away?


Q7. Why does Annabeth say they have to kill Medusa? Why can’t they just run away?

A. Because Medusa is trying to kill Annabeth. Because Annabeth is enemy`s daughter.

Q8. Medusa’s head doesn’t disintegrate along with the rest of her. Why not?

A. Because she can turn people to stone. 

Q9. What important information does Percy find in Medusa’s office?

A. Percy found recent shipment to the underworld.

Q10. Why do you think Percy sends Medusa’s head to Mount Olympus? Do you think this is a good idea?

A. Percy wants god to know "im strong"

Monday 6 August 2012

Today H.I.R.O.S.H.I.M.A

Hi I'm going to write my 6/08/2012 diary. In the morning, I had break fast and after that 
nurse came to my house and she changed my dressing. It was painful. I couldn't walk very 
well so I didn't go to out side from my bed.  
I like spending time talking with my mum. I need catch up with my work and kapa haka practice. 
It was this day, 67 years ago, that the American dropped the atomic bomb in Hiroshima in Japan in 06/08/1945.  140,000 people were killed from it. Today Japanese  people had a moment of silence for the victims. 
 I have a comic about atomic bomb and this story is based on the truth. This story is about Atomic bomb, WW2 and writer's life. His big brother went to war and another big brother went to camp to escape from american's attack in that city.  67 years ago on that day, writer lost his father, big sister and little brother. His mum had a baby and they didn't have any food so the baby starved and baby's inside of  her tummy wasn't well from radiation from the bomb. After the baby's death, writer's big brother came back from the war and writer's another big brother came back from the camp. One day, mother felt sick and she went to visit doctor and found she had leukemia from the radiation. After mother past away his big brother went to get marry to his girl friend and another big brother went to Osaka to earn some money. 
So writer was alone. But he had friends to live with. writer's friends lost their family. They were alone too. They built their house. After that one friend died from fighting and another friend stole some money from gang. So he had to run away to Tokyo. Writer was alone again. He had good talent of art and he wanted to be an artist. so he went to Tokyo. When atomic bomb dropped, he was only year 3. He was younger then us. He was still at primary school age.  His father told him to be like wheat. When wheat grow on field, it is trampled many times to be stronger. The father said that do not give up and be stronger after tragedy. and the end of the story the boy decided to be independent and grub good future. I like him.
