Pac Man

Monday 25 June 2012

Jack and the beanstalk

today we went to the lakes high and we saw thier production. they did jack and the beanstalk. they did very good:)

Thursday 21 June 2012

Today Mokoia students ran 5km!! it was very hard :(. I wasn't  in the top20 but i enjoyed running!


 Term 2 was very exciting Topic. Because we learnt about earthquake, tsunami, nuclear power plants, snow slide and plague.  Earth quake was very intrusting. Because under the ground, earth have tectonic plates. Across the Christchurch, earth has tectonic plates so 1 year ago Christchurch had the big earthquake.  E very 30 seconds, earthquake happens in the world.
Tsunami is very scary thing. Because if earthquake happen on  the sea, sea can make tsunami. If it was very Big big tsunami. Tsunami can wash everything, tsunami can was people, cars, house, pets, and big buildings, if those thing was in front of tsunami, tsunami can destroy things.
Nuclear is very horrible and scary. Make food bigger and make people and animal change their body from nuclear. Fish is getting bigger too.
Snow slide is very dangerous. Because if humans was on long place in mountains, you will under the ground with snows.
Plague is very hard to run away. Because plague is disease. Long time ago in Europe lots of people died from fleas from mouse.
I want to learn to learn more about disaster:)

Wednesday 20 June 2012